I am a Franco-Irish artist and maker. I trained in several art and design schools across Europe and graduated in 2022 with a master's degree from ENSCI Les Ateliers.
My practice now focuses on the plants that surround us, bringing back their forgotten uses in our lives. I experiment with making materials, colors and foods from local flora, revealing the hidden potential of each specific context and territory, designing production chains directly integrated into a site, based on local herbariums and collective curiosity.
My research investigates the relationship we culturally hold with our planted environment, in the frame of our interactions with the non-human, as a way to make us feel part of nature again.
I am currently based in Brussels as part of the TAAT collective or collaborating with dallas and Gilbard.
I work independently at SB34 and publish my experiments under the instagram page @into.trees.
A few things about my approach
First of all, the importance of places.
My projects always have this strong relationship with the places they settle in.
I see a lot of potential in field research because it allows projects to be integrated in the local communities : that proximity with the user is what I want to explore, which led me to look at abandoned churches, fisheries and food forests and to base my proposals on the insights from their users.
Engaging with people and generating social interactions are often what my projects aim for : in a world that is getting colder with technology, I try to get people to meet and communicate, because I believe it is the way to shift our old systems and structures around, through collaboration.
I believe in education, and you can often find this angle in my projects : I expressed this pedagogic aim by simplifying a radio studio, making a book easier to understand through interaction, giving old people the tools to communicate their ideas, teaching citizens how to grow their own medicine or how to build a signage system in public space. I am also now an educator myself, collaborating with institutions across Europe such as the KISD in Cologne, the Cantau high school in Anglet or the school of design in Zagreb.
An other constant line is the fascination for the past : I focus on an essential heritage that is forgotten, may it be wood turning, sun-dials, FM radios, ancient crafts and agroforestry. The challenge is always for those to find a new meaning in our contemporary lives.
Coming from a graphic design background, I always saw the potential in images to impact people and to influence behaviors. My earliest projects allowed me to find new ways to use visualization through the practice of illustration.
My most recent work has been focusing on sustainable production chains. I love understanding the way daily products are made and transmitting that knowledge to people for the sake of culture and autonomy. This angle got me to explore soap making, basketry, ceramics, woodwork, spices, flour, color and plant fiber.
I recently have been focusing on the theme of forestry and I am currently developping a food forest project in Germany and pedagogical modules to teach people how to use plants for food, color and materials.
I am always willing to take part in new initiatives and projects. Feel free to contact me.