This project was born in 2015 during my exchange in Santiago de Chile, thanks to a partnership organized between the school and the company Arauco.
The company asked us to work with cholguán, which is an agglomerate of pine scorch, a local material used all over the country on construction sites. The process to form the panels, simply pressing the scorch using the natural resins inherent to the pine wood makes it a robust yet flexible material, 100% biodegradable.

Our proposal aimed to give value to this material which is considered as a low quality option by challenging its industrial image, in order to make Chileans see it differently.
By gluing together several layers of the material with a natural resin, the material was transformed into a block shaped as raw wood by a Chilean woodturner.
The objects that emerged from this collaboration are an invitation for Chileans to use cholguán in their own way and to be proud of their local products.

in collaboration with Andro Yurac and Trinidad Gana